Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Empathic Civilisation

We watched a video in class which is The Empathic Civilisation. Out topic is about Emphaty. Click here for video: CLICK ON ME IF YOU CAN

We have many sentences and many thoughts. They are always in a war. Nobody wins. They have different results. Results start to fight too. Nobody wins. In my opinion results are our behaviors and gestures. As you can see these all about communication. As  Guisseppe said in the lecture, gestures and behaviors are maybe more than %50 in communication.
There are so many ways if you discuss about communication but emphaty can be one of the big part. Emphaty is not a tangible thing. It is like a process which is not willing to finish. For example, if you are talking someone, there is a information transfer process. You give messages, you receive messages... In this transfer process, in order to receive messages clearly and truly and also give messages more clearly emphaty is most important tool; because in my opinion, it is related to thinking and dreaming.
In normal situation, i wrote something else in this blog but i add and drop something. In whole course we always talk about emphaty because it is big part of communication but now i want to write something about the video: The Emphatic Civilisation. In this video, there is a part which is about mirror neurons. Mirror neurons explained shortly in Wikipedia like that: " mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. " This neurons are biological parts of emphaty. That was a good sentence: " We are soft wired to experience another's plight as if we are experiencing it ourselves."
This screenshot is about first emphaty attempt: Emphatic Distress. ( addition: it was a funny video.)
"Emphaty is the opposite of utopia" claims video. In order to understand it please read clouds.( It continues: THERE IS NO MORTALITY, NO SUFFERING, ) As we talked in class it can be a good example and please check "emphaty is a invisible hand" part we can assimilate to this directly Adam Smith's invisible hand theory.
I remember that time, so many millions want to help them. It was like an super designed organisation. People started to think for Haiti, for people who live there and they were sad. In this organisation there are two big parts:
1. Rapid information transfers via Internet (especially twitter). That is technology part and this tools encouraged people to think for Haiti.
2. People waked up on their daily life dreams, problems. I accused myself. It was interestin time. Thinking for a country was strange for me.

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